Joelle Roach – Article Analysis


This article I’m studying is Naturally avoid and correct dangerous anaemia.

The most common type of Anaemia is the one which has iron deficiency in it, its is usually caused by some type of blood loss. Usually women with heavy menstrual cycles are most at risk along side people who run very long distances all the time, female athletes and people who are on a very restrictive vegetarian diet. Most common causes of this condition are accidents that you lose huge amounts of blood in and some cancers can cause this also.  Some foods that are recommend for people with this condition are listed in the following:

-Pumpkin seeds.

-Whole grains.

-Grape juice.

-Sardines, clams, oysters, tuna and shrimp.






When eating foods like these you must supplement your diet with vitamin C, by doing this the vitamin C helps increase the absorption of the iron within the body. The main source of vitamin C would be in fruits and vegetables, but not every one of them will have some you need to find some that has high levels and vitamin C.

There are many different types of Anemia, these include,

-Iron deficiency Anemia.

-B-12 deficiency Anemia- This type of anemia is known as the pernicious anemia, even the smallest deficiency of B-12 can lead to this form of anemia long term deficiency can even lead to brain damage and damage to the central nervous system.

-Folate deficiency Anemia.

The most common symptoms of anemia are pale skin, mild depression, tiredness, poor concentration skills and a higher risk of infection.

When eating foods containing iron or taking supplemental iron, enhance your diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. If you take an iron supplement, swallow it with a juice that’s high in vitamin C.

Another way to obtain extra vitamin C is to flavor your water by spritzing with vitamin C-laden lemon, lime, tangerine, or orange juice.


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